hina khan hacked movie 2020| hacked movie in 2020|hacked trailer and song .

*Hacked movie trailer *

*what is story of hacked movie *

Internet ,everyone use it and noting is hide from the internet so be alert and safe your email id and password because your is in your hand .

hacked movie poster :
hacked poster
hacked poster

Hacked movie is going to release on 7th February.watch the trailer now

Hacked Movie detail.

Hackied movie trailer is very nice .this movie directed and written by  vikram bhatt ,produced by–amar thakar ,krishana bhatt ,jatin sethi .the movie starring is Hina khan,rohan shah,this movie edited by –kuldip mehan,choreoghraphy –shabina khan.

2020 hacker image
2020 hacker image 

Story of this movie :according to this trailer its giving a message to all of india that aware .because it’s a digital age and everyone is using a movie I mean anode phone and everyone is using a social media like whatsApp ,facebook ,twitter ,Instagram ,etc . on the all website take your personal information your email id ,phone number etc .and you provide, but you don’t know that when you use this application you got a lots of massage I mean insource massages and you don’t know about that massage and you clicked on the massage after that they can hacked your phone ,website .they can do anything with you .

hacked movie hina khan
hacked movie hina khan 

After that you can’t do anything in your phone because your phone has been hacked then they can do anything they can see your profile picture ,your personal photos ,your everything ,It may be that they can also do blackmail you .

hacker image
hacker image sms 

In this movie hina khan is as leading this movie and rohan is hacker he is only 19 years old in the movie .he wants to get married to hina khan but hina khan refused him for marriage and said him that you are only 19  years old we can’t do marriage after that rohan got anger and started spoiling her life she don’t know what to do ,what not to do and finally she decided to meet him but now he said  surpassing  thing that now I don’t want to get married but I want to use you for sex .so ,aware is first purity for everyone .
It may be with anyone so be aware if you got  something like massage don’t click ,thank you 

who is the hacker ,hacker image
hacker image 

Internet ,everyone use it and noting is hide from the internet so be alert and safe your email id and password because your is in your hand .

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January 31, 2020 at 11:09 PM ×

Good trailer .it will be good movie

Congrats bro IMC knowledge. you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...